Wednesday, July 10, 2019

Camp update

Greetings from camp.  We've had a couple beautiful days without rain.  The boys are in their merit badge class routine.  They are, however, starting to smell.  A couple have taken showers.  Some are brushing their teeth.  The trading post has much of your money. 
The adults are impressed with patrol leaders and senior scouts who are leading by example, without lots of adult prompting.

Without exception, the scouts are in good spirits.  There is a lot of card playing.  Some are playing Magic the Gathering, whatever that is.  So far, we have had absolutely no cases of viral infestations or home sickness.  They don't miss you.

For a scout camp, the food has been quite good, and at the very least plentiful. 

We expect more rain tomorrow.  Jim is already sniveling about it, but we are hopeful he will have no more incidents with wild animals.  We miss Andy.  The empty feeling in our hearts is painful to overcome.  But we are pushing forward.

-Mark (and the collective hivemind of the adult leaders)