Thursday, July 11, 2019


After a few days of near-perfect weather, we are now in the middle of a thunderstorm.  The scouts are hanging out in the common areas of our site - talking, reading, playing cards and discussing obscure  World War II generals.

They are in good spirits and are most concerned as to whether we will be having our ice cream social tonight.

The dads have told the kids that getting wet from the rain counts as bathing. Sorry.

There should be enough wiggle room on the schedule for most of the dudes to complete most of their merit badges, even though the rest of the classes have been cancelled this afternoon.

Jim is sniveling even louder. He claims he is nowhere done. His early morning runs with Jae and David - 15 milers, they claim -  have not improved his humor.

At the same time, we have used our time to get a few of our scouts advanced to their next ranks. Ben DeGregory is now a life scout.  You told us that we were authorized, right Andy?

More pics to come. . .

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