Sunday, July 7, 2019

Welcome to the 2019 Summer Camp Blog!

Years ago we started this tradition to keep you pesky parents from asking too many questions, like:

Is my Scout taking a shower daily? (NO)
Is my Scout brushing his teeth? (NO)
Is my Scout hungry? (NO)
Does my Scout miss me? (NO)
Can my Scout stay for more than a week while we vacation in Bermuda? (Also, NO)

All the adults attending should receive an invitation to publish photos and notes and witty comments.

All the members of the Troop should be getting a link to this blog and are encouraged to comment and like it and pass it on to family.

The Scouts just left for Pennsylvania a couple hours ago and are rapidly closing in on Camp Ockanickon. Stay tuned for updates!


  1. We made it. Tight fit for bus. As of 2:30, finishing med checks and moving into tents. We are sharing the site with Troop 34 from about an hour away here in PA. There are 76 bed positions in camp with 76 people registered. Going to be tight. Campsite is large with huge fire pits, great tree coverage. Ground is mix of boulders, rocks, and wer earth. Overall, off to a great start. If anyone has a line in with the weatherman, please have him dial down the humidity a notch or three ...

    1. Forecast looks great other than humidity! Enjoy the week.

  2. Now that I have handed things over to Mr. Hanna and all the other adults heading to camp, I’d like give a shout out to the Connor, Walker, Jack C, Trevor, Duncan, and Chance. They did a great job getting the scouts and gear organized and loaded on the bus.

    1. Many thanks to Andy Gay! His hours of organization work made registration a breeze.

  3. I took a lot of pics of the send-off, which I'd like added to the blog. To whom should I email them?

  4. Thanks, Rusty! Sounds cozy! I’ll chat with the weatherman for you guys.

  5. Many thanks to the parent volunteers who are "watching over" the scouts this week! Be careful, I hear that during the warm afternoons, hammocks become infested with "snooze-ons" which render adult volunteer effectively useless.

    1. By the way - great pics and Jim - I love the blog post - low tech!

  6. I posted three photos of the kids on Monday night on my twitter account. Here's link:
